Integrative Critical Thinking Toolkit

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v 2.1 | 2019
General Reference
Academic Tools Reference

Classic Texts

Greco-Roman and Eastern Authors

Classical Library Author Index

Provides access to some older primary texts

Digital Libraries - Online

List of multi-disciplinary online collections and large specialized digital libraries: Publications, Exhibits, Documents & Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals

Scholarly journals available full text online, including at least 79 philosophy titles

Education Portal Academy

Students can watch any of our 400 videos at any time, no strings, to reinforce classroom learning.


Convert nearly any file—including PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel—into a Web document and share it with the world.


This site will automatically process academic reference data adhering to MLA, APA, or Chicago (Turabian) styles.

Online Privacy Reference

Surfer Beware: Personal Privacy and the Internet

June 1997 report from the Electronic Privacy Information Center | Washington, DC


Protect your privacy and take control of your communications and financial transactions.

General Philosophy Sites

American Philosophical Association

The American Philosophical Association was founded in 1900 to promote the exchange of ideas among philosophers, to encourage creative and scholarly activity in philosophy, to facilitate the professional work and teaching of philosophers, and to represent philosophy as a discipline.

Dictionary of Philosophy

This is a concise guide to technical terms and personal names often encountered in the study of philosophy. This is a reliable source of information on Western philosophy for a broad audience.

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet

An extensive collection of philosophy resources on the Internet.

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The purpose of the IEP is to provide detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia is free of charge and available to all users of the Internet world-wide.

PCC Library’s Philosophy Subject Guide

For Portland Community College students

Philosophy Around the Web

Links to primary and secondary material on the web

Philosophy Documentation Center

The Philosophy Documentation Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable access to the widest possible range of philosophical materials. Established in 1966, the PDC has earned a reputation for excellence with the publication of essential scholarly resources in applied ethics, philosophy, religious studies, classics, and related disciplines.

Philosophy News

The goal of Philosophy News is to provide general updates on recent happenings in philosophy and provide commentary on philosophy events, positions, books, and ideas.

Philosophy Now

An online magazine covering current topics and developments in Philosophy.

Philosophy Talk

From the radio program hosted by two Stanford philosophers

Resources of Scholarly Societies - Philosophy

Links to websites of scholarly societies in Philosophy.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The SEP is designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public.

The Canadian Philosophical Association

The Canadian Philosophical Association (L'Association canadienne de philosophie), was founded in 1958 to promote philosophical scholarship and education across Canada, and to represent the interests of the profession in public forums. Both French and English versions.

The Paideia Project Online

Access nearly 1000 papers presented at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy.

The Philosophers’ Magazine

An independent quarterly, devoted to presenting top-class philosophy in an accessible and entertaining format. It regularly includes interviews with leading philosophers. The magazine also includes news, essays, reviews, features and regular columnists.


Critical Thinking

Insight Assessment

Offers tools (an array of test instruments designed for professional and academic use from the third grade through doctoral level), to measure critical thinking for clients who understand that a measure of an individual’s critical thinking ability is a reliable indicator of how they will perform when faced with new problems in high stakes and time-limited situations. 

Skeptic magazine

Michael Shermer, the founding publisher of Skeptic magazine and the author of How We Believe and The Borderlands of Science, also offers a great Baloney Detector.

The Foundation for Critical Thinking

Promotes essential change in education and society through the cultivation of fair-minded critical thinking.

Logic Studies

Automated Theorem Prover Beta version for classical predicate logic.
Bibliography of Non-Standard Logics A brief overview of various logic systems.
blogic Interactive textbook for introductory logic courses. Topics include: (i) Boolean searching (ii) propositional logic with truth-tables (iii) the logic of frequencies and probabilities (iv) modal logic and counterfactuals (v) quantification. Textbook includes interactive exercises.
Classical Logic Shapiro, Stewart, "Classical Logic", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Gateway to Logic A collection of on-line logic programs (two require Java), offering parse trees, alpha graphs, proof checking, truth tables, Polish notation, and much, much more.
KHAN Academy Online videos for brain teasers
Lewis Carroll Puzzles As a teacher of logic and a lover of nonsense, Carroll designed entertaining puzzles to train people in systematic reasoning. In these puzzles he strings together a list of implications, purposefully inane so that the reader is not influenced by any preconceived opinions.
Lewis Carroll’s Logic Game As a tool for solving logical puzzles, the diagrams are of little value when the number of variables exceeds four.
Logic QuizMaster A useful tool for testing comprehension of sentential and predicate logic basics.
Logic Symbols A comprehensive list.
Logic System Interrelationships For modal logic systems.
Logic Systems A reference resource for mostly modal logic systems.
Proof Checker Checks proofs submitted by the user. It supports Lemmon's calculus only. (see E.J. Lemmon's book Beginning Logic .)
Proof Designer Proof designer is a tool intended to help students who are beginning to learn how to write proofs. While proving theorems certainly is a creative task, there are many steps that actually are schematic and mathematicians have internalized them.
Propositional Logic Calculator A good tool for truth table analysis.
Sample Sorites A brief introduction.
The Association for Symbolic Logic Central meeting page for members, this includes sections of the Bulletin, the Journal, and the Newsletter of the Association.
The Daily Translation A site devoted to translation problems. A new problem is posted every day—usually drawn from the news. To do the problems, one does need to be familiar with elementary logic, and the particular systems of logic here presupposed (and used in the answers) are systems presented in the second edition of Benson Mates’s Elementary Logic (New York: Oxford UP, 1972).
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy—Logic Table of Contents page. For logic terms, scroll down to the Logic entries.
Venn Diagrams A brief introduction.
Zeno’s Coffeehouse You know it, you love it.  BS your way into a solution of the most (a)typical problems.


Logic Videos

Basic Logic Videos

The philosophical method - logic and argument

Introduction to Logic (Standford)

Propositional Logic

If-Then Statements and Converses

The Converse, Contrapositive, and Inverse of an If-Then Statement

Complete List of Math and Logic Videos from MathInSocietyVideos

Truth Tables

Logic & Arguments - Truth Tables

Truth Tables for Compound Statements

Truth Tables for Conditional Statements

Truth Table for the Biconditional Statement

Truth Tables:  Showing Statements are Equivalent

Fallacies & Illusions

Logic & Arguments - Logical Fallacies (formal & informal fallacies)

Informal Fallacies

The Fallacy Project: Examples of fallacies from advertising, politics, and popular culture

Hypercubes and Plato's Cave

The illusion of time : past, present and future all exist together

The Evolution of the Laws of Physics - Lee Smolin (SETI Talks)

Basic Set Theory

*Introduction to Set Theory

*Introduction to Subsets

*Set Operations and Venn Diagrams - Part 1 of 2

*Set Operations and Venn Diagrams - Part 2 of 2

*Solving Problems Using Venn Diagrams

The Algebra of Logic Tradition
1. Introduction
2. 1847—The Beginnings of the Modern Versions of the Algebra of Logic
3. 1854—Boole's Final Presentation of his Algebra of Logic
4. Jevons: An Algebra of Logic Based on Total Operations
5. Peirce: Basing the Algebra of Logic on Subsumption
6. De Morgan and Peirce: Relations and Quantifiers in the Algebra of Logic
7. Schröder's systematization of the algebra of logic
8. Huntington: Axiomatic Investigations of the Algebra of Logic
9. Stone: Models for the Algebra of Logic
10. Skolem: Quantifier Elimination and Decidability
11. Tarski and the Revival of Algebraic Logic
International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets
Proceedings of the Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing


Philosophy of Religion

Academic Info: Religion Gateway Website for scholarly study of religion.
American Academy of Religion The website of "...the major learned society and professional association for scholars whose object of study is religion."
Finding God in Cyberspace: A Guide to Religious Resources on the Internet
Provides a selective listing of Internet resources of interest to scholars and students of religion.
Hartford Institute for Religion Research Hartford Seminary's Hartford Institute for Religion Research has a thirty-five year record of rigorous, policy-relevant research, anticipation of emerging issues and commitment to the creative dissemination of learning. This record has earned the Institute an international reputation as an important bridge between the scholarly community and the practice of faith.
J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies Baylor University established the J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies in 1957. The Institute is the oldest and most well established facility of its kind located in a university setting. It is exclusively devoted to research in the broad area of religion, politics, and society and committed to the separation of church and state and the advancement of religious liberty around the world.
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences CTNS promotes the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences. The CTNS mission is carried out through three program areas: research, teaching and public service.  The central scientific focus of these programs is on physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, technology, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. The central theological focus is on Christian theology, ethics and spirituality, with additional attention to the theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and world religions.
The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science IRAS evolved from the ideas of two pioneer groups. The first was a group of scientists from the Committee on Science and Values of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . The second group was an interfaith, religious coalition which hoped to revitalize religion for today's needs. Members of both groups saw the, at times, battlefield of conflicting ideologies of religion and science as a place of opportunity for a constructive relationship to emerge.
World Religion Resources on the World Wide Web From


The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University is one of the preeminent centers for research and dialogue on ethical issues in critical areas of American life. The center works with faculty, staff, students, community leaders, and the public to address ethical issues more effectively in teaching, research, and action.
Ethics Updates Ethics Updates was founded in 1994 by Lawrence M. Hinman, a professor of philosophy at the University of San Diego. Ethics Updates is designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors and their students. It is intended to provide resources and updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics.
Bioethics Resources on the Web   From the National Institutes of Health. Bioethics Resources on the Web provides a compilation of web links to information of potential use and interest to diverse audiences—biomedical and behavioral researchers, health care professionals, research participants, patients and patient advocates, students and faculty in different disciplines, and the general public.

Epistemology & Philosophy of Mind

Contemporary Philosophy of Mind A bibliography of work in philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, and philosophy of artificial intelligence.
Neurophilosophy A weblog about molecules, minds and everything in between
VS Ramachandran: 3 Clues to Understanding Your Brain What brain damage can reveal about the connection between cerebral tissue and the mind, using three startling delusions as examples.

Science & Technology

Beyond Belief: Enlightenment 2.0 Beyond Belief is an annual meeting organized by The Science Network (TSN)
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities At the University of Virginia.
The Science Network (TSN) Brings together a community of concerned scientists, philosophers, scholars from the humanities, and social commentators to explore the human quest for the Good Life. The Science Network shares Carl Sagan’s vision of science as a candle in the dark.

Philosophy: Eclectic

American Society for Aesthetics The purpose of the Society is to promote study, research, discussion, and publication in aesthetics. The term "aesthetics," in this connection, is understood to include all studies of the arts and related types of experience from philosophic, scientific, or other theoretical standpoint, including those of psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural history, art criticism, and education.
Henri the French Cat Articulates the Pain of Existence Existentialist humor video. While some cats are busy LOLing, Henri is morosely lounging around his flat, delivering biting insight into the feline condition. "I am free to go. Yet I remain."
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy The Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy was founded in December 1978 to foster research and teaching in the field, to organize scholarly meetings and conferences, to publish a newsletter and a monograph series, and to cooperate with other learned societies in projects of common interest.
Society for Women in Philosophy The Society for Women in Philosophy was started in 1972 to promote and support women in philosophy. SWIP holds divisional meetings, meetings in conjunction with the meetings of the American Philosophical Association, and it publishes newsletters.
The Michel Foucault Discussion Lists at CSUN HyperNews-driven discussion lists devoted to online discussion of Michel Foucault.


Integrative Critical Thinking Toolkit | © 2020 Joseph K. Corrado